

Have you heard of Mayhem? #inspiredbymayhem

I found a mom on Instagram a few weeks ago called @2sisters_angie she and her daughter make dresses out of tablecloths, construction paper and tape. I can't wait to do it with my girls, I just haven't yet. If you want to see more of her creations check out She is just a normal mom who all of a sudden has 340,000 followers on Instagram. She has done Disney princesses, fashion models, celebrities and even book inspired dresses! She truly is so creative and I love that they do it together.
I am apart of a mommy group through my church and we meet each Thursday. We have breakfast buffet everyday along with praise and worship and usually a guest speaker. We also have sessions where we get to do crafts and sometimes team challenges. This years team challenge reminded me alot of Mayhem! Our task for each table of moms was to use only certain given supplies to create an outfit. We were given lots of duct tape, regular tape and wrapping paper! They also had newspaper and a few other odds and ends. We were only given about 30-40 minutes to make our creation. We only had three people at our table since some of our ladies were out that day. A lot of other tables had 8 moms.
Here is what we started with
wrapping paper, white and silver glittery duct tape and pink tissue paper is what we ended up using.

And here is what we created!
We had to give a fashion show speech per say when our model got on stage. (there were prizes for the best dressed and presentation) I completely made it all up along the way and we ended up winning! I made up that our dress was inspired by Glenda the good witch ready for a night out on the town. With her ruffles in the back and the v neck neckline it accentuates all the right places. She is dressed in her couture gown along with her MK bag and Jimmy Choo shoes. Her crown, earrings, shoes and crystal embellishments on her dress (made out of duct tape) were all covered in Swarovski crystals. This dress is one of a kind and will be on display in the Smithsonian.

I think this would be an awesome moms night out activity or even a bridal shower/baby shower game! The creative juices were definitely tapped and there was lots of laughter!
Here are the other tables along with ours.
Loved her skirt and she had a long red sash on the side. So pretty!

A nun.

A peacock inspired dress

Date night outfit

The mom vest - it had all these pockets and the other moms acted like children and she was well prepared for anything her "kids" threw at her! Ha! It was so cute!

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Princess Half Marathon recap - part 2

To read race recap part one - click here!
We found the second set of port of potty's to have a  much shorter line than the first set, so I stopped! So much better running with an empty bladder! We were off! We stopped to take pics with the sign of Magic Kingdom and other landmarks. We mostly took selfies to help our time - we were scared of getting swept!
Jack Sparrow and Barbosa were both there - the line was long! You could also catch them on the ending side of the race too. You went by this spot twice. Line was much shorter headed to the finish line!

Heading into Magic Kingdom!

The Villians!
This line wasn't too bad maybe 7-10 people so we stopped. When you take pics together the line looks longer, but it goes quick!
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We were so excited to head into Magic Kingdom and run down Main Street and see the castle! Even if it was in fog! 

This was the one picture I knew that I wanted before the run! If I saw them I wanted to stop! It was a little hairy standing in line for 20 minutes, but it was sooo worth it! Love them all dressed up! The official RunDisney people came over and said "the end was coming" which scared us, but we stuck it out even though we were scared! 
Rather than stand in some of the long lines for some of the pics, we just took selfies! Ha! This line was incredibly long! I would say 40+ people. Just as long, if not longer for Mickey.

Mile 7 they played Let It Go and my girls and I LOVE that song! So of course I sang along as I ran! Ha! This was a very congested area where you had to walk at times since it was narrow and we didn't want to get into the grass and twist an ankle.

This was Steph's first half marathon and longest run ever - so after 10 miles we took pics with the signs! That was a big deal! 

Come on - we can do it! 
Steph did not want to stop for this pic, which was fine. I had told myself that I really wanted pictures with characters you don't typically see in the parks. Rare characters. So since Hercules and Prince Eric were in this shot - I wanted it! I had some catching up to do, but I caught her after a potty break and then having to run with no walking breaks. I didn't realize how many people were dressed up like Aurora til I was searching for a certain one! ha! 

Coming into EPCOT into the final mile or so, there was an area set up for a character with lights and a little camper, for them to have a break and no one was there. Then I spotted out of my eye - Sofia! I beelined it over to her and was first in line! I cried! I knew my girls would be sooo excited to see that I saw her and it was sinking in that we were getting close to the finish! 

 Yes we stopped for this pic. Love that we did!

The gospel choir, at mile 12.9 probably - so moving and a tearjerker as well. I knew the course and how close we were to the finish and Steph kept asking how much further. It was getting hot! 
Yahoo! We made it to 13!! 

So proud of these 3! I earned my Coast to Coast! 
We may not have had the fastess time, but we had a fun time and made memories that will last for a lifetime!  If you are on the fence about starting to run or you think that a half marathon distance is not something you can do - training, hardwork and believing in yourself that you can do it is all part of the journey! Also having some great running friends makes the miles go by faster!  It was so rewarding to say I was gonna do something I had never even dreamed of and then to do it twice! I am so proud of myself! I will be floating on cloud9 for awhile! Coast to Coast is marked off the Disney bucket list!

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Princess Half marathon recap part 1 - The Start

Running the Princess Half Marathon was bittersweet. One of our running mates wasn't able to go with us at the last minute and that was hard to swallow. We had been planning and training for so long and were so excited to be on the final countdown only to have that high of an upcoming trip come crashing to a low and find out that if she goes she could die. I cried for her, she tried to be strong and play it off, but I knew how devastated I would be if I were in her running shoes. She had signed up for the Glass Slipper Challenge and was so excited to run the 10k and Half Marathon. We weren't going to PR on the race, but rather have a great time together and be silly and have fun! Running 13 miles isn't a joke or to be taken lightly by any means, but we were running it for the joy of accomplishing a goal and to reward ourselves for all of our hard work!
The night before the run we set out our clothes and got our running belts ready to go. Morning food was set out and ready to be eaten and I even slept in my running shorts and bra so I'd have two less things to put on in the morning! Ha! I thought that was a great idea! We were both nervous. The time change adding an hour, walking the parks both days beforehand, not to mention me running the 5k and the 10k the days before as well. Being a die hard Disney fan I couldn't be that close to the parks and not go! We did 2 days park hopper and I tried to make myself turn in early at night, but I just couldn't do it! I had to get up at 4am both Friday and Saturday and at 3 am on Sunday, so I was tired! It was all worth it though! We had an absolute blast! If you ever get a chance to take a trip with friends that love something like Disney as much as you and you complete something like running 13.1 miles, it's memorable!
We hopped on the bus and didn't wait too long to get on, although the line got long quick! 
The buses at the POP were very well run and there were multiple buses there the morning of the Half.

 Walking to the corrals was a long trek. We walked a half mile to get to the start line I think. We used the restroom after we did bag check and waited in a very long line for the port a potty. That is were I lost my cape too. We were glad we had stopped though!
In our corral ready to start! People were sitting on the ground and it was amazing all the pregnant bellies we saw! So cool to see runners who were expecting and still running strong!

I had on my MagicBand, and my two wrist bands to earn my Coast to Coast and the Glass Slipper Challenge.
 Waiting around for the race to start felt like forever!! I had to pee before we even started which is so hard to run when you have to go!
Moving towards the front! Getting a little closer!

Here we go!

You ready Ang?

So close we can taste it!

And here is the starting fireworks!! Let's do this! And let's find the closest port a potty cause I gotta go!!

To read part 2 - click here!

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Disney Side @Home Celebration - Mom's Disney Trip Planning

“I received free products in order to host the Disney Side @Home Celebration. The opinions expressed here are my own.”

I have a blog dedicated to Disney, I really would love to be on the Disney moms panel and it was such a surprise to get a Disney Side @Home Celebration kit! I truly do have a #disneyside which is practically everyday. I have friends ask me if I own other shirts besides Disney shirts. I am truly a Disney nerd at heart and love teaching others.

So for my Disney Side party I invited moms over with their kiddos to learn about planning their first trips with kids or maybe just a first trip ever!! I have been to Disney as a couple and as a family and the planning is so different! Mainly naps, but even men need those sometimes too! ha!
I invited 10 moms to come over who showed interest in learning more about planning a future Disney vacation either to Disneyland or Walt Disney World and 7 moms showed up. That also meant 11 kiddos under 5 playing upstairs too- not the most quiet house that was for sure! I had breakfast items and finger foods, but nothing over the top. I did have my food displayed on my Mickey plates that I love and made a few special things to snack on. There are tons of great ideas for themed Disney food on Spoonful and pinned on my Pinterest account.
I just got back from a girls trip to Walt Disney World so I was now familiar with the Magic Bands and I went to Disneyland in January to run the Tinkerbell half and as a family vacation so both parks were fresh on my mind.
A popcorn bucket from our trip and some Mickey plates
were a simple touch to jazz up the food and treats.
I started off my party with a short fun quiz. I asked them 10 questions. Some questions about the parks, some trivia about myself and or my trips and then some other fun Disney trivia. Kinda was an ice breaker thing and as we went through the answers I covered some of my topics that I had already decided I wanted to hit.
Planning a trip - to Disneyland or Disneyworld.
We discussed great times to go, how to possibly earn a coveted pin number (which is a discount code that Disney sends out randomly), how to save money while at the parks as well as before you go. How to plan where to stay and the pros and cons I had for either place. Dining and making reservations ahead of time, magicbands and fastpasses for either Park. We also talked about Photopass and sanity savers on trips. They had lots of great questions and I had a few people ask if I would just go with them, which of course I would! I had two moms want to plan trips in the next 6 months and the rest were in the next year or so category.
I had my table displayed like an information booth. I had the
giveaways as well as the items I wanted to touch on during my
lesson about planning a trip to Disney!
I had out for them to see some of my shirts that we've made for trips, which I think is so fun and can be very inexpensive. I had out maps, unused fastpasses, my magicband, favorite souvenirs, autograph books, our recent trip Photopass book. I love sharing my knowledge and love for visiting the parks with families.

My neighbor/running buddy made me this sign
from running my RunDisney races. So I left it up as decor!
I also had my credenza set up as walk down memory lane from our previous trips. Favorite photos and Photopass books. If you notice the picture on the wall, I took window crayons and added ears to my girls in the pic. They wash off with Windex, but my children thought that was hilarious! I love to look at albums from other peoples trips and it gets you excited about going too!
Disclaimer - I am not a travel agent, nor do I work for one. I truly just love helping others, sharing contests to win trips to Disney on my FB account and I love doing my Disney vacations myself! I hope they learned some great tips and I am more than willing to help in any way! For more fun or to see my last trips you can follow me on Pinterest, FB, Twitter , Google+ and  Instagram!

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