Meeting them was so special! My girls loved the interaction and my middle child sang Let It Go for them and everything! I was busy chasing a baby around and didn't get to hear everything that was said, but it was a highlight of our trip! There is nothing more sweet than seeing your babies meet someone who they love and act like. I love that they are sisters and the hair colors are similar for my two and the older one is Elsa and the younger red headed one is Anna. Of course this puts the baby sister as Olaf, but she doesn't know it yet - ha!
I would highly suggest getting in line early and doing this first thing of the day.
Bring your own costumes.
Be prepared for the wait - snacks, games, take turns with one person standing in line and others riding a few rides.
Prep your child to ask a question or to do something interacting with the character.
Bring your autograph items. I had brough the Frozen chapter book, but forgot it in the room that morning, so we missed out.
*Sidenote - I just got back from a runcation with my girlfriends and the line for Anna and Elsa at WDW was 4-5 hours. People start lining up at 9am when the park opens, but they don't start visiting with guests til 11. Get a person in line quickly and send the rest of the group to go play! So if you want to meet Anna and Elsa on your next vacation get in line early and be patient with your wait! A Fastpass is the best way to ensure a short wait, but I have also gotten in line during the evening fireworks and I didn't have a long wait at all!
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