

Be a Fairy Godmother! Grant a wish by voting for us!

Have you ever thought about giving a Disney trip to someone, tell me I'm not the only Disney nerd who has thought about this! Let's say you can choose 3 friends who have never been. Never walked through those Walt Disney World Gates and experienced the magic of Cinderella castle. Maybe they have seen the Sleeping Beauty castle of their childhood visits, but have never laid eyes on the Tree of Life, the Tower of Terror or Spaceship Earth. Who would you choose?
I had the opportunity to choose 3 friends and do just that! RunDisney and Zappos are giving away a trip to Walt Disney World to 4 teams of women! That's 16 ladies. I chose 3 of my running buddies who weren't already signed up for the Princess Half, since me and two other friends were, and quickly texted them to see if they were even game for the idea! They all were and we are on a fast paced journey to Fantasyland, Adventureland and ready to run through that castle! Please vote for us and see who we are
My Team -
The first person I chose is one of my best friends, Brandy who I have known for about 8 years.

We taught together in school and stayed home as moms the same year. I decided to ask her to do something crazy with me, like do the Tinkerbell Half Marathon and she said yes! She's from that area and already had plans to head home that week/weekend so it worked out great! I love that we are both training for something that neither of us has done! She wasn't a runner before all this and neither was I! She has run 382 miles logged in her app so far this year and that's not all of her runs! She has worked so hard to train for the Tink and I would love to see her earn her Coast to Coast by completing this run too! She's a great friend and mommy to her two sweet boys Dylan and Brody.
My next teammate comes from faraway, ok, maybe not - she's my next door neighbor. Courtney and I have become closer friends in the last couple of years even though we've lived next door to each other for 5 or so years.
Courtney is my spur of the moment and nighttime running buddy. I love our conversations when we run and she has helped me a lot when I first started running in June of this year. She walked when I needed it and let me set the pace which I so needed at the beginning! She is so talented too - she has a crafty/art flair to her that I do not have! She can draw like an artist and has an eye for those type things, she is not a stay at home mom, but rather a hard working mom who spends every moment she can with her sweet girl. Working weekends and nights so her sweet girl Griffin, doesn't have to go to daycare. I love spending time with her and would so love to take her on her first trip to Disney!
My third teammate is Krissi. I met Krissi just this past year, almost a year ago. 

We joined the same mommy group at church and we had lots in common. From attending the same private school in elementary school to knowing a large group of mutual friends. We trained a lot together for our Ten for Texas 10 miler run together. She also has never been to Walt Disney World, so this would be her first half marathon and trip to Walt Disney World! She is such a sweet person and great mommy to her sweet little girl Rin.
About me: 
I am a Disney nerd, geek, slightly obsessed about all things Disney. I am signed up for the Tink and Princess in 2014, so I am more so trying to win this for my running mates. I have been running since June of 2013 and that was when I decided to sign up for Tink and got in! I've run 200 miles on my Nike app, which I didn't use from the get go, so I've probably logged over that by a little. I am not your typical athletic girl who played sports growing up, but rather your bookworm and musically inclined person. I love Disney and told my husband years ago that if I ever ran a half marathon it would be for a Disney run only! I can't wait to run the Tinkerbell Half Marathon in January and then the Princess Half Marathon in February. I am training hard to give myself time to take pics along the way with Mickey and friends! I love that I have these great sisterchicks to run with!
SISTERCHICK (n.): A friend who shares the deepest wonders of your heart, loves you like a sister, and provides a reality check when you're being a brat.(I love Robin Jones Gunn)

Why we Run: 
 For our future princes and princesses
As a mom you understand the need to have alone time now and again. Going to the bathroom by yourself, grocery shopping alone or having an occasional girls night out. Everything we do all is for these guys! We do the long hours and all the hard work to make their lives happy, fun and to show them that with hard work and training you can reach your goals and dreams! We would love as moms to have this trip as a moms weekend out running trip of a lifetime! Please vote for our team and help some "Mommas running for the Crown" win big!
Thanks for Sharing the Disney Love!

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Thank you for sharing the love back! I love to hear from my readers!