

Broken or Bruised...

First pic tow has small red spot, gate has a chip!
Scene: 4am, husband is away on business, strange noise heard hours before and confirmed strange noise with neighbors...
I have been known to have a great imagination...I don't watch intense/suspenseful/scary movies usually on purpose because when I do, on occasion with hubby, I can't get those images out of mind. I will think about scenes long after and then if I'm ever in a situation that feels like that movie I freak myself out... back to the real reason I'm posting...
I heard a strange loud noise in my backyard the night before and knew that I hadn't imagined it. I was home alone with my three kiddos, but still was able to fall asleep. Early the next morning I went upstairs to check on my babies and as I was headed back to bed I slip and fell on my petunia and slid down the last flight of my stairs. 6 steps that I slid down and then stopped myself on our baby gate that block the stairs. My butt hurt in the moment, but my foot/toe has now hurt for 2 weeks! I knew that I had hurt my foot, but wasn't sure the extent. (It's funny how now that I consider myself a runner, I would rather fall on my face than hurt my legs or feet before a race! Ha!) I put Vicks vapor rub on the sore spot immediately after, since that what my granny told me to do to minimize bruising... But I was dog tired! I went to bed even though it was hurting to just lay on my side and place slight pressure on it. I should have iced it right away - mistake #1. After a few more hours of sleep I woke up to a foot that really hurt and the bruising started to show. I also found a piece of plastic from the gate and didn't realize that I had hit it so hard I chipped the plastic! No wonder I hurt my toe!
Needless to say the bruising got worse, the pain was on and off and I was scared to run! I went to the Dr to have it checked since I had my first run ever on Sat, this happened on Monday. Here I am supposed to run 10 miles to qualify for a better corral for the Tinkerbell half marathon and now I might not even be able to finish! Long story made short the Dr thought it was broke, but after x rays, it wasn't. Just bruised. I taped my toe Thursday before my run and was able to do 5 comfortably and left it at that. On race day I used my body glide, tape and baby powder to help prevent any blisters and pain. I was in some discomfort after 7 miles and lost feeling in the last two toes the last couple of miles. The dr told me that even if I had broken it he still woould have told me to run since it was such a fun race! He completed the run that day too.
  I haven't run since Oct 14 because on that day I ran 3 miles and didn't tape the toe and my toe hurt so much worse than it did days before. So lesson to learn - ice immediately, seek medical attention especially if you are a runner (since running on a broken toe can do more damage), tape two toes together to give the hurt toe a "buddy".
Wearing flip flops kill my toe when you intially put them on and scrunch your toes to get them on. Ack! Hurts so bad still! That motion is really the motion that really hurts and here in Texas I wear flip flops all the time! We went to the Michael Buble concert and to wear heeled boots hurt too, even though I taped it! Just the pressure of the heel being elevated and crushing my toes forward. I hope it heals quickly and I will definitly be playing it safe before my half! Have you ever bruised a toe or toes? How long did your pain last?

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