

Tie Dye Mickey shirts

Finished product - Some are good...others are not so good!
I found through Pinterest or one of my many Disney blogs that I now follow...the wonderful idea to make Mickey tie dye shirts! Looks easy enough, the lady gave good instructions, let's do it! I got all the supplies needed and called a friend who I knew wanted to make them last year for a trip to Disneyland and never did and she was in on the project. We met at my house so my little ones would have lots to play with and she brought 3 of her kids all who are older. It started off simple enough - trace a Mickey head -
Tracing the Mickey head
Mickey head sticking up and putting on multiple bands
 I can do that... Then you take unwaxed thread and bast stitch, which means in and out with gaps (like a dotted line) around the head tracing. Easy to do, time consuming though - three shirts just lost the Mickey head shape...I didn't think the guys in our group would care anyway! Then you pull the floss real tight and rubberband that part. Then soak in soda ash for 20 minutes. I did shirts in a twirl pattern and some with multiple bands with the Mickey head poking out the top!
This one I swirled and then banded
Problem #1 - Too many colors! When certain colors mix you get some ugly colors! Problem #2 - Rubber bands not tight enough!  The color seeps through and you don't get that lovely Mickey head shape! Problem #3 - Some of our colors did not dissolve properly and we ran out of salt at one point and had to borrow from a neighbor! Oui! I was only happy with about 3 of my 8 shirts and most likely will redo my little girls shirts and not even mess with the others! I am in the process of figuring out if I can bleach the shirts and start over, or if I will have to buy new shirts to start over!
       Learn from my mistakes!
#1 - put rubber bands on tightly
#2 - Cover the Mickey head after dyeing to ensure no other color gets on with Saran wrap
#3 - use only one or two colors
#4 - properly dissolve the dye with the salt in a bowl of warm water
#5 - use gloves!

Up close view of the shirts -
This shirt faded terribly and looks horrible in person!
Redo for sure!

This shirt I can live with!

Little girl #1 - Will redo - too muddy of colors!

My shirt - colors on the sleeve are gross,
but love the Mickey heads and how they look!

Little girl shirt - Ugh!

My Aunt's shirt - I like!

We used plastic tubs to protect the ground and just rinsed between shirts.
Pictures of us at Disney in our shirts!

Have you made tie dye shirts? They can be Mickey or not! Share with us!

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  1. It sure was a lot of fun, I say we re do our shirts and only use two to three colors. And wear gloves this time for sure LOL!!

  2. Will learn from your mistakes and order mine online. Sounds a bit too complicated to me. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I like this post.Its different and interesting to wear tie dye shirts
    on a picnic or a trip to fun land.


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