

Grand Opening of a new concept Disney Store

Today I woke up early, got the girls out of the house and headed to The Galleria Mall for the grand opening of our Disney Store. They already had one, but it was small compared to how large it used to be! We had already visited the new concept store in Dallas on the way home from a family reunion and we loved it! The decorations are so cool, they have a cool mirror that the princesses show up magically on, a theatre and this one had a tunnel too. We got there expecting to have massive crowds, but there weren't even 100 people there. The first 250 got Mickey ears, so we got those, plus a magnet and keychain. I also got a $5 gift card because I checked in on Foursquare through my phone and Big B earned $5 for answering a trivia question while we were waiting. When we first arrived the girls were in the shirts for the year that they were born and then before we went in I changed them into their costumes. I wasn't sure if other were going to dress up and with the drive I wasn't going to have them in their carseat with fairy wings and a big skirt. My husband met us there since I wasn't sure how chaotic it was going to be. It wasn't bad at all. I wished we had gotten there even 30 minutes sooner! The people in front of us got to go into the store before it opened and have a little shopping spree! Then two other kids got to "open" the store with a giant 2  foot key that the cast members called the "key to imagination". It really was a production, but fun for the kids to watch. They do the opening everyday and the kids who open the store get special little keys that look like the big key.

The player box that you can choose videos on

Walking like a princess on the fairy dust path in the store. At one point she was holding her skirt on either side walking along - too funny!

We left a few prints on this mirror! She had mouth prints, nose prints and finger prints! But she loved it!!

Doing some shopping - good choice!
    After the store opened we headed straight for the cool mirror that when it has a princess object waved in front of it that princess will appear. Big B was dressed as Snow White so we saw her first. They had coloring sheets for the kids and a theatre area where they can choose music videos or clips from movies to be played. There were a few sales going on, but I already knew that our local Disney Store has costumes 25% off and a few other promotions that this store didn't have going on. We had a fun time and it was neat to see a stores grand opening in such a way. We will be headed back on November 5th to see it again and hopefully we will get to use the giant key and open the store! Plus Mickey and Minnie will be there!! I can't wait to see little b with them, hopefully she will go near them! 
Taking a little break with Bullseye!

Looking at ornaments - we haven't bought one yet, waiting to find the perfect one!

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